
Thursday, 19 July 2018

Winter learning Journey Day 2 Activity 2

“What happened?” I was trapped in a bottle and the only way out was from the top, then I realised I was in deep trouble, there was water at the bottom of the bottle and magically started to rise, I knew I had to act fast.

I was freaking out and didn’t know what to do, the water had just reached above my neck, then I realised I could use my mind control to take the water out of the bottle.

I was focused, calm and before I knew it, the water was gone “Phew! I thought I was dead!” I gently tipped the bottle over, got through the hole and escaped through a open window. “I wonder where my next adventure will be to?”.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Patience,
    I really like your short story that you had to look at the image and I think that your story really suits the image.

    I really like how your problem started and how it ended.

    Keep up the good blogging.

    Kind Regards,
