
Monday, 17 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey WK1 Day 1

My Top 3 Facts are:

1.  The Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud. When I was told this I was very surprised and I thought that it meant something involving water or nature in NZ. I now know what it means.

2. New Zealanders are also called kiwis but kiwi is not a fruit. It is New Zealand’s native flightless bird. When I was younger I always asked my parents "Are we all kiwi fruit?" They'd always laugh and I was so confused. I actually don't really like to eat kiwi fruit only when it is in ice cream. I finally know that kiwi's are not just a fruit but are New Zealanders too!

3. The largest city in New Zealand is Auckland although its capital city is Wellington. I found out this fact when I was walking around in the city and found a information board and found out Wellington is the capital but Auckland use to be the capital of NZ. I really want to do some more research on why they changed the capital of NZ.


  1. Hi Patience

    I love the way you think that those facts are amazing I agree with you I really love those facts (You don't have to do this) my opinion is that you should add detain in why it is you favorite facts or why you are interested in them anyway great blogging,

    Keep up the amazing magnificent work,

    Blog you later, Charis,

    1. Hi Charis,

      Thanks for the comment and feedback. I'll try and add some more detail.


  2. Hi Patience,
    I love how you made the reasons why you picked that fact a different colour because it really stands out for your viewers to read, what a clever idea!.
    Keep up the great work!.

    1. Thanks for some positive feedback Dianne, I really needed it!

  3. Hi Patience,
    I love the way you wrote paragraphs for every fact you wrote. I didn't know you were going to blog because you are finished from St Pius X. Why did you highlight what you wrote? Besides that you are doing fantastic!

    1. Thanks for your feedback Christopher. Something that is highlighted in black means it was a fact that I put in my blog and purple means it was something written by me.


  4. HI Patience,
    Good work I love the facts you chose keep up the good work.

  5. Hi Patience,

    What an amazing blog post. I enjoyed doing this activity. Did you enjoy doing this activity? Your chosen facts are amazing. I chose one of them to be one my favourite, which was: The Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud.


  6. Mōrena Patience,

    You've chosen three really interesting facts about New Zealand. I like how you've written a bit extra about your own knowledge of each of them.
    I think the reason they decided to move the capital city from Auckland to Wellington was to do with location. It was thought that it was too far for MPs (Members of Parliament) from the South Island to travel to, so they moved it to the more central location of Wellington in 1865. Have you been to Wellington before? I lived there before I moved to Auckland. I loved it.

    Congratulations on completing the very first activity of the programme. Keep up the great blogging!

    Mikey :)
