Title-Nana’s Noisy Sleepover!🎉
Date-22\10 T4
“Race you inside!” I shouted, everyone cam running in as if they were a pack of wolves. It hadn't even been 1 minute and the room was a total mess!
“Can’t catch me!’ said my cousin Roman, I sprinted around the house, from the kitchen, to the bathroom, under my legs and back in the living room! My cousin Jenifer helped me with everyone. Our faces were sweaty, we were as hot as fire and our faces were as red as a tomato.
Once everyone was calmed down and were still chattering as loud as they possibly could I put on a movie for them to watch. I didn’t really care what movie it was, I just put one on.
Later on in the night everyone was yawning and their eyes were red, nobody could hardly sleep because the adults outside were singing kareoke to the early mornings.
Jenifer and I looked as tired as a lazy sloth. We started daydreaming and our eyes we closing slowing, and then...“Zzzz” We all fell asleep,
In the morning I was woken up by my little cousin he pulled my arm, along with Jenifer’s arm, and showed us how much craziness we missed while we were asleep. It was just like last night all over again, everyone screaming, throwing pillows around and stomping as loud as elephants!
Wow! That has been one of the craziest moments in my life yet fun at the same time. Laughing together, chattering about what to do tomorrow and just chilling out with friends and family. I do hope to see them again next time.